Utilization of Casgot and Eco Enzyme Fertilizer as Nutrient Support to Increase the Growth of White Cooperate (Brassica Pekinensis L) of the Tahono Variety in Karo District

Utilization of Casgot and Eco Enzyme Fertilizer as Nutrient Support to Increase the Growth of White Cooperate (Brassica Pekinensis L) of the Tahono Variety in Karo District


  • Ichpan Zulfansyah Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Alwashliyah, Medan, Indonesia
  • Siska Yulianita Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Alwashliyah, Medan, Indonesia
  • Fuad Balatif Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Alwashliyah, Medan, Indonesia
  • Faisal Azhari Baldan Panjaitan Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Alwashliyah, Medan, Indonesia


Kasgot fertilizer, POC Eco enzyme, Chinese cabbage


Efforts to increase the growth of white mustard plants can be done by providing Kasgot Fertilizer and POC Eco enzyme treatment. If you look at the correct dose, type, time and method of fertilization, the plant's response to fertilization will increase growth and yield. This research was carried out with the aim of determining the effect of plants on the concentration of Kasgot and POC Eco enzyme in white mustard plants. This research was repeated three times using a two-way randomized block design (RAK). The cassava concentration factor (K) has 4 levels, K0 (control), K1 (2 kg/plot), K2 (3 kg/plot), K3 (4 kg/plot). POC Eco enzyme factor (C) consists of 3 levels, namely E0 (control), E1 (20 ml/L), E2 (35 ml/L). Observation parameters include plant height, stem diameter, leaf width for each sample plant. Application of Kasgot Fertilizer had a significant effect on plant height and stem diameter of white mustard plants (3 kg/plot). The administration of POC Eco enzyme had no significant effect on all parameters observed. The interaction of providing Kasgot Fertilizer and POC Eco enzyme had no significant effect on all the treatments observed.


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How to Cite

Zulfansyah, I., Yulianita, S., Balatif, F., & Panjaitan, F. A. B. (2024). Utilization of Casgot and Eco Enzyme Fertilizer as Nutrient Support to Increase the Growth of White Cooperate (Brassica Pekinensis L) of the Tahono Variety in Karo District. International Journal of Natural Science Studies and Development (IJOSS), 1(1), 19–25. Retrieved from https://ipi-limited.com/index.php/ijoss/article/view/7



Research Article